Monday, March 27, 2017



What is SAHM? It's a short form of stay at home mom. These past few days I have been thinking a lot. Basically about everything. After coming back from umrah last February, my husband and I had been discussing about starting a business. I love fashion, I love to buy things/scarf/dress well almost anything online. So I said to myself, why not I be the seller instead of the buyer?

I am good in designing and arts. Plus, I have a background in Textile Technology. We've decided to come out with our own brand of clothing line. For the start up, I will release my printed scarf. We are hoping we can sell them before Raya and boom! May Allah ease our plan and make our effort worthwhile.

Since then, I have been thinking to quit my current job. Just focusing 100% on my business.Be a stay at home mom. I know, being a SAHM is not easy. Ammar is crying every time I send to his babysitter's house. I don't feel good at all about that.Why is he crying?Did his babysitter do anything that can makes him scared? A lot of questions have been circling my mind recently.

I feel like raising Ammar by myself but at the same time try to help my husband by doing the business. O Allah, do guide me. Ease my way.

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