Monday, September 19, 2011


While I'm writing this piece of junks,I'm sitting in the library, next to my friend.Yes, I'm back from the long break that I can never say I'm bored even for a day.How I love holiday. The beginning of the semester is just the way I expected it to be.Chaotic and Stressful. I've a mix emotions. Happy,frustrated,puzzled and sad at the same time.I am fully aware that things are going to be different.Way different after this. My schedule is different.I might not having a free time like most of my classmates.

Before I decided to be in this whole absurdness, I did pray. I prayed, that He'll show me the right way. Now that I'm here.I make a vow to myself.I will never ever be negative minded. Maybe being different is not that bad after all.It just need a great length of efforts to be able to endure this whole preposterous day. Part of me pray that time will move so fast that all of these will just vanish into thin air.Without I even realize it.I know, He has a better solution for me. and things do happen for a reason.

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